Currently, specialists treating head and neck cancer cannot authorise chronic disease management plans. If I could change one thing about healthcare for head and neck
I recently launched two education programs designed to raise awareness of human papillomavirus related oropharyngeal cancer (HPV+ OPSCC) among GPs. Online Training – Think GP
Last month, I travelled 460 kilometres (285 miles) to the Riverina region of New South Wales to review patients who had their surgery, or at
I want to congratulate Julie McCrossin and Daniel Taylor for the fantastic Head and Neck Cancer Forum – 2020 VIDEO SERIES and Ricky Onsman for

Physiotherapist Orsi Kokai applying manual techniques to reduce neck tightness in a patient recovering from treatment for head and neck cancer
Introducing Orsi Kokai I invited physiotherapist Orsi Kokai to explain the multiple ways in which specialist physiotherapists can help reduce and manage long term side